Wednesday, September 2, 2009

finally alone...i'm not happy:)

I'm finally alone and I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be:). My kids are all in school. All of them. Every day. My oldest is in 6th grade and my youngest is in kindergarten. It’s taken me 12 years to get a few hours to myself everyday. I tried to explain to my husband why I felt so excited/sad/weird/happy/relieved/depressed. He didn’t get it. I tell my girlfriends that this milestone in my life has happened and you girls get it. You instantly understand why I feel this way. You know how much time is spent with your kids and then one day you just send them away and you’re left to yourself. I am partly excited though. Maybe I’ll actually start writing on my blog:). Maybe I’ll start exercising more. Maybe I’ll solve world hunger. More than likely, I’ll just watch a little TV and eat some Oreos. I need to pace myself after all!!!


Lynette said...

Carma, I am so happy that you finally posted on your cute blog! I had no idea that your youngest was old enough to go to Kindergarten. Wow! What an exciting time. Enjoy every moment.


Rachael said...

Glad to see you blogging again. I can't wait to hit that milestone, but I am sure when it comes I'll be sad too!!

Unknown said...

Hi Carma, I understand quite well what you are feeling. It's a Mom thing:) Just remember your job is to invest most of your time, love, and money, with your kids and have them move out on their own as independent adults. Life is a roller coaster so enjoy the ride...all of the ups and downs. Love you so much, Mom